Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, in Europe as in Italy, the squares have begun to host the anger of citizens again. Completely different faces enlivened the streets showing their anger, seeking personal justice against the management of the pandemic. This diary of the last two years, starting with the 2020 demonstrations after the end of the first lockdown, is a research on street demonstrations, an analysis of the anger which, for different reasons, has led people to scream their anger at the political establishment.
The images enclose the protests that took place in Rome. Completely different ideas brought citizens into confrontation with the authorities. Far from sensationalism, I wanted to research the physiognomy of those who have decided, for different reasons, to rebel. The far right, the vaccine conspirators and the no masks against the "health dictatorship". The no green pass to shout the rejection of the green certificate. The "IoApro" movement, against the closure of small businesses following the increase in infections. The effects of the Coronavirus on society have been told in every way. This project is a story of one of the many side effects of the pandemic.
The square, historically a basin for the demos, is once again a battleground. The individuals who tread it have different ideas, sometimes similar, sometimes opposite. Leading the protest is not a common, shared ideology. At the head of the single large corpus is a feeling of anger, disappointment, despair. This pandemic has broken a balance. A balance that you try to find screaming, once again, in the agora.